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Sunday, 19 January 2025
GreekEnglish (United Kingdom)French (Fr)Russian (CIS)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)

Kolokotronis- Ramovouni


"I was born in 1770, April 3, the second day of Easter. Rebellion in the Peloponnese was in 1769. Born in mountain, in a tree underneath, at Old Messinia, called Ramovouni ...."

So begins the narration to George Tertseti the memoirs the great protagonist of the Greek Revolution of 1821, Theodoros Kolokotronis.

The family of Kolokotronis contributing significantly to the Greek race, about 70 Kolokotronaioi died. His father was Kleftarmatoli and participated in the rebellion against the Orlov.


Orphaned by her father in 1880 at the age of 15 years, and entered the Federation Zacharia's together with other Heroes of the revolution where he starts the action of the liberation struggle. From the beginning stood out for his military skills, and in a short time became a henchman.

1810 to 1816, with the great persecution, fled to Zakynthos where he served in the British Army gained military expertise, later applied in the struggle for independence. In 1818, he joined the Filiki Etairia -Society of Friends.

In 1821 he returned to Peloponnesus starting the revolution from Kalamata, where he is occupied with Petrobey Mavromichali. Followed by other successes in the fight against the Turks as the battle Valtetsiou (12-13 March 1821), which literally annihilated the Turkish forces that paved the way for the fall of Tripoli on 26 September of the same year. One of the major victories of Kolokotronis is the decimation of his army Dramali at Dervenakia, and even mobilizing the villagers of the region to achieve the plan.

In 1823 to 1826, civil strife erupted between Greek chieftains and politicians. Kolokotronis had already begun to address the policy and tried to ease the relations between them. At the time, assassinated his son Panos and then jailed him to the Prophet Elias in Hydra. Eventually released him to confront Ibrahim and continue the revolution.

Despite the friendly feelings of the Russians, he argue that we should not engage foreign forces in the Greek struggle because, primarily to serve their own interests. After the election of Kapodistrias, Kolokotronis sided with the side and played a decisive role in the election Othon. The filokapodistriakes views were the cause on September 7, 1833 imprisoned in Akronayplia accused of treason along with Plapouta, son of Gennaios, the Tzavela the Nikitara and other military. On March 26, sentenced to death but was not signed by the court.

kolokotronis 1

Remained in prison until his adulthood where Othon and release of 27 May 1837 and paid off many honors and offices. He took the office of general and appointed him Counselor of State, he was awarded the Grand Cross of Christ and stood loyal beside the King, without requiring consideration, since he was selfless.

He died on 4 February 1843, from a stroke immediately after the wedding of his little son Colin. Burial was in the First Cemetery of Athens, and later in October 10, 1930 the bones were transferred to Tripoli at the monument notables. In 1993, 25 September were moved in a special case at the base statue.